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Products and Services

KMBA currently offers three main products: Basic Life Insurance Plan or BLIP Credit Life Insurance Plan or CLIP and Hospital Income Insurance Plan (HIIP). In partnership with Bankers Assurance Corporation, KMBA also offers personal accident insurance with fire assistance or K-Kalinga. As further service to its members, KMBA provides a postemergency residential housing assistance and a scholarship support to members’ children under the Kuya Jun Scholarship Program.


Basic Life Insurance Plan is provided to all client-beneficiaries and staff members of Kasagana-Ka Synergizing Organizations (KSO) as well as to client-beneficiaries of KMBA partner microfinance institutions and other organized community or basic sector groups. Qualified for membership are those between the ages 18 and 60 years. Membership applicants are required to present their birth certificate (if they are single) or marriage contract (if married) as well as birth certificates of unmarried legitimate children below 21 years old and, if not married and without dependent children, marriage contract of dependent parents (above 60 years old). Members contribute PHP20 weekly: PHP15 for insurance premium and PHP5 for the retirement savings fund. KMBA processes benefit claims using a 1-3-5-day target.



The Credit Life Insurance Plan offers to a KMBA partner organization an insurance coverage in which the latter could insure its individual borrowers or debtors for an amount equal to the loan granted, in each particular case up to a maximum of PHP 200,000.



Offered in partnership with the Bankers Assurance Corporation, K-Kalinga is a ersonal accident insurance with fire assistance designed specifically also for KMBA members and their legal dependents as optional product. (“Kalinga” is a Pilipino term that can mean embraced, nurturance, or protection.)


Other Services

KMBA provides two additional services: calamity assistance and the Kuya Jun Scholarship Program. Both are available to primary and associate members. 

Through calamity assistance, a maximum of PHP3,000 may be given to members of KMBA with totally-damaged residential house following a natural or man-made disaster or catastrophe, including typhoon, flooding, earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, fire, lightning, and acts of terrorism.

Started in 2007 for students who were in high school, the KMBA scholarship program was subsequently named Kuya Jun Scholarship Program, after KDCI’s first executive director, Severiano C. Marcelo, Jr., who passed away in 2008. The program has since included college students, and is available to children of KMBA primary and associate members. Applicants to the scholarships are required to pass written examinations; those who pass the qualifying marks go through background investigation. To keep their scholarship, high school students should obtain a grade average of 82 while college scholars, a grade average of 2.5 or its equivalent, with no failing marks and two grades of “incomplete.” Scholars who are in high school receive PHP3,000 as financial assistance each school year. Those in college get PHP5,000 each semester.



Following its pilot implementation in November 2018, the Hospital Income Insurance Plan (HIIP) was rolled out in all branches in January 2019.


HIIP is an insurance coverage for periods when an insured is unable to work owing to hospital confinement. For PHP250 a year, it provides PHP200 a day during hospitalization, to a maximum total of 30 days a year.
